Friday, November 8, 2019

Greek Mythological Heroes essays

Greek Mythological Heroes essays The stories of ancient heroes have captured the imagination of audiences #for centuries. It is these stories that closely resemble fairy tales that intrigue people. They were used to entertain, to excite and to explain the unexplainable. They gave encouragement, and they gave the Ancient Greeks some thing to believe in. These stories were myths, which were the stories of ancient heroes who did miraculous things, all with the help of the gods and goddesses. The most famous myths were recorded by poets and scholars like Plato, Aristotle, and Homer. These myths are the ones that almost everyone knows now, even though most dont use them to explain things. Although myths are no longer needed to explain the unexplainable, the heroes from these myths live on to keep the world of the Ancient Greeks alive today. One of these famous heroes was Jason and his crew, The Argonauts. For Example, the story of Jason and the Argonauts was used by many poets to explain how one person, who was favored by the gods, could make all the difference, (Hellenism). Jasons story showed that one person could change the course of history. It also showed why so many tried to please the Gods. Furthermore, Jasons Story was long and complicated, the gist of it is that his uncle, the reigning king sent him on a mission to recover the Golden Fleece, a mythological thing that brought peace and healing to what ever possessed it (Hellenism). The Story of Jason was long and complicated, but it also brought the hope of doing something grand like that to all who read it. The people of Greece never forgot Jason and they dedicated many temples to him and his crew. In Addition, the story of Jason lives on through movies and novels, (Skidmore). The mass production of novels gave various retellings of the story, but they are ba sically the same at heart. Then, movies, like the famous epic, Jason and the Argonauts, appeal to ev ...

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